Friday, March 26, 2010

LOA Is A Scam. Self Help Is For Losers.

If you've been reading about law of attraction for any time you've no doubt found a few naysayers. The movie The Secret - which turned LOA into a personal development sensation around the world - came under fire from all sides in fact.

Everyone from garden variety, grouchy bloggers to renowned religious fanatics rushed forth with their insights as to why the movie was bunk, how it was the work of satan, or some other silliness. I haven't covered any of this negative-speak up until now.

Beyond law of attraction, the personal development and self help industry in general is targeted by debunkers and critics on a regular basis. Some people are just downright offended by content that threatens to help them set stronger goals, better understand their emotions, reduce stress levels, etc.

I've linked to a good article on the mainstream assault on personal development and I urge you to check it out. Be sure to leave your comments and opinions after you've browsed the post below...

What Is Personal Development?


Is Self Help For Losers?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is Your Consciousness Physical Or Cosmic?

While science has pinpointed what the various areas of the brain control in terms of physical activity and some mental faculties, there is no absolutely conclusive proof that our brain is the actual source of our consciousness. In fact some scientists are even open to the idea of non-local consciousness, or consciousness as a dynamic force that flows through our brain but does not literally emerge from this physical organ.

Interestingly, this idea of non-local consciousness is thousands of years old, and it's tied to other concepts like the collective self, oneness, reality as a non-physical illusion, and so forth.

Check out this brief but (I think) interesting video for a more detailed look at the possibility of non-local consciousness:

Non-Local Consciousness And The Brain

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Value Personal Growth And Development

It should be obvious but somehow it eludes most of us. Constant personal development and spiritual growth is the key to defining a clear vision, connecting to a real purpose, and effortlessly creating the reality we desire using proven methods of attraction and manifestation.

I urge everyone to read for 20 minutes per day, use your driving time to listen to audio programs and presentations, and invest in home study courses, coaching programs, or anything else that will challenge you toward ongoing growth.

Check out my article on how to formulate a complete personal development plan for a three-step formula for success in this area. This info should help you outline your own personal approach to long-term improvement and expansion.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Laws Of Observation And Vibration

While the law of attraction is well-known to many people, there are several other spiritual laws that are just as important yet less popular in literature and philosophical discussions. Here are two primary laws you should seek to understand.

Law Of Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibrating energy, including you. Your thoughts and emotions determine the exact nature of your vibratory state in each moment, and while your mind may race through numerous images and impressions you can only hold one dominant vibration at a time.

The vibration you hold will determine the events and circumstances you draw into your reality. In essence what you think, how you feel, i.e. your vibration attracts the people, experiences, and moods that make up your moment-to-moment journey.

To align with this law in a favorable manner you need only to be aware of your emotions in the present moment and continually shift into a positive feeling state. Do this and you'll always be attracting more goodness toward you.

Law Of Observation

Working closely with the law of vibration, the law of observation says that what you see and experience will directly impact the signals you send into the cosmic consciousness. Even if you're not aware of it, every time you look at the world (or observe a particular phenomenon) what you see is reflected as your vibration.

If you see a happy child playing in the yard across the street, by virtue of the law of observation you will instantly transmit happy vibrations. On the other hand, if you see a child who is crying over a bee sting your observation will automatically transmit pain and sadness into the cosmos.

Clear awareness in the moment and taking care to surround yourself with positive people and messages is one way to leverage the law of observation to your advantage. This may require great discipline but the benefits can be enormous.

Few people make the deliberate effort to work with the law of observation. The fact that one can be wildly successful and prosperous even without attending to this law should raise the question:

"How much more incredible might my results be if I take the law of observation into account in all my affairs?"

For more information on the spiritual laws of success be sure to check out my complete article here.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Manifest Your Desires With Proven Methods You're Already Using

The process of deliberately creating the events and circumstances of life through focused intention is at least as old as recorded history. The art of manifestation is not some new self-help technique and you can access your natural creative power easily with the following methods. In truth, you know how to use the law of attraction because you're already doing it in every moment of your life.

Everyone with a book to sell wants to overcomplicate the process of manifesting reality. With a little research you can probably find a dozen books offering a wide range of step-by-step systems for using the law of attraction or manifesting your dreams.

However the truth is you are already hardwired to create reality on a moment-to-moment basis. You don't need to learn anything new; simply relax and believe in yourself.

In a nutshell, your creative faculties interact with the universe as follows:

Each time you look at the world, have a thought, or ponder the self you are creating an image. Your sensory organs collect data and send it to the brain for interpretation, and the same parts of your brain manufacture an image whether you're looking at a physical object or imagining something with your eyes closed. You other five senses work essentially in the same way. Hence you literally create the reality you see and experience by processing electrical signals into tangible stimuli.

Because everything in the universe is made of vibrating waves of energy, an event you imagine is technically just as real as anything you experience in the physical world. Your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between the "real world" and the things you fantasize about in your daydreams. Furthermore numerous laboratory experiments and a plethora of personal experiences and philosophical observations have proven the human mind is capable of manipulating the raw, potential energy of the universe.

Simply put, your thoughts enable you to shift the unformed cosmic substance into the desired form, or to change the direction and behavior of existing phenomena. Intuitively you already know this is true, as indicated by your everyday responses to a variety of situations.

If you didn't believe at the non-conscious level that your thoughts have a real, measurable impact on the physical world you would not bother with the activity of hope. Whether an emotion or an automatic function of thought, the experience we describe as hope is part of your naturally occurring creative process. You hope for the best when a loved one is in the hospital. You hope a potential romantic partner will say yes when you ask them out. You hope to get the job you apply for. You hope it will rain so your flowers can bloom. You never have to stop and think about it; in every appropriate scenario your whole being instantly experiences the profound surge of desire that we call hope.

When your hoping is genuine and your thoughts, emotions, and actions are in confident alignment with what you desire, you most likely have the experience of getting what you want. Alternatively when your hope is insincere and/or you are filled with doubt and vivid images of negative outcomes, you probably don't receive the object of your desire.

Of course every circumstance is not this black and white. But a significant ratio of your experiences probably confirms the basis of the above paragraph.

When you want something and end up getting it, you are applying the basic fundamentals of manifestation. So how can you empower yourself to enjoy more positive outcomes?

There are lots of ways, but the following brief steps are the easiest method to start with.

1: Be Crystal Clear And Excited About What You Want

Don't be wishy-washy about a potential outcome. Know exactly what it is you want down to the minor details and immerse yourself in the excitement of this clarity.

Avoid sentiments like maybe. Shift your mental and emotional posture into the assumption that you only need to take possession of your objective; i.e. the deal is sealed, so to speak and you are simply waiting for the moment when you can make the official announcement.

2: See And Experience The Positive End Result With All Your Being

See, hear, taste, feel, and fully experience everything about the desired end result. If your aim is money feel the paper in your hands and smell the crisp green bills while you count the sum out in twenty-dollar increments. If your goal is ten pounds less body weight feel your frame being that much thinner and more toned and assume you need new pants to fit your new waist. If it's a new car you want be sure to clear out some room in the driveway and pick out a new GPS system or CD player. Begin living the desired reality at the physical, intellectual, and emotional level.

3: Surrender To Inspired Action

You know what actions are necessary to obtain that which you desire. So just do it.

Don't agonize over possible directions, and don't spend a ton of time deliberating this or that course of action. Rely on your intuition and do the things you are pulled towards.

It's better to take no action than to rush forward in nervous haste just so you can feel busy. Clear your head, look honestly at what you want, and without thinking answer this simple question: "What do I need to do right now?"

When it's time to act you'll know. Until this moment arrives just stay loose, as the saying goes.

4: Use Your Emotional Guidance System And Relax Completely

The previous three steps will put you in a very upbeat emotional state. Lean into this and let your happiness shine as brightly as it will. If at any time you feel your emotions sliding toward doubt or anxiety recognize this as an important warning signal and readjust immediately!

Your emotions are the perfect guidance system and they will always let you know if you are on course with your manifestation. When you feel happy, energetic, and enthusiastic everything is on track. If you feel contracted, angry, or sad you are creating a future in opposition to the one you say you want. Heed your emotional state and adjust to the correct feelings as often as necessary.

Above all: relax! Be confident that if your desire is truly right for you it's yours.

If you don't get what you want most likely the event you hoped for was a poor fit for you at this time. There is always a lesson (or two) in perceived failures and shortcomings so there is no need for anxiety or dread.

Avoid at all costs obsessively focusing on your desire and constantly monitoring your progress. You know what you want and you've decided to have it; as long as you've been authentic in both of these areas you have nothing to worry about.

5: Get On With Your Life!

See what you want clearly and go about your day as if it's already yours. Stay light on your feet and enthusiastic and just let the flow of life take it's course.

Once you've set your intention your only remaining work is to keep your emotions on track and take any action you are inspired to take. Feel free to set your sights on new objectives if you like, just be sure not to contradict yourself by trying to manifest two entirely conflicting things.

The most successful creators have fun with the process and remain somewhat detached from their outcomes. Enjoy each moment of your day and always be thankful for the many good things around you and more goodness will flow your way.

Before delving into more complex systems for manifesting your desires I hope you'll try this simplified process for yourself. It's quite likely all you'll need to enjoy fabulous new results in many areas of your life.

Quickly and easily manifest your desires with the comprehensive system provided in the author's "Manifest Your Dreams" mini-course.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Start With Your Life's Purpose

Something many law of attraction writers and teachers leave out is the very important foundational step of finding your life purpose. Think about it...

How can you manifest a life that thrills you to the core of your being if you aren't centered on your true life's purpose?

The primary purpose of life is to expand and create, i.e. to grow, be happy, and fulfill our deepest desires. This is the nature and function of the universe and the behavior we can observe in the natural world.

So the first step toward living on purpose is to simply align oneself with the universal nature of being happy and growing emotionally and spiritually.

However we each also have our unique individual purpose. This is something you must connect with on your own, but there is a good deal of material available to help.

Your unique purpose has little or nothing to do with appeasing some make-believe god, contrary to what religious fanatics might tell you. You are absolutely free to find the purpose that pleases and fulfills you, and I urge you to release any perceived obligation to make someone else happy in this important pursuit.

For an in-depth article about finding your life purpose I invite you to check out this article. I hope you'll find the informaiton useful and exciting!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Manifest Your Desires Faster With Metaphysics

Metaphysical studies are a fantastic way to enhance your deliberate life creation experience. A little openness will go a long way, and you don't need to join a monastery or sit in the wilderness for a week fasting.

For instance the simple practice of meditation can help you develop a calm, still mind and provide you with access to greater focus and emotional control. People who meditate for a few minutes each day have a much easier time getting tangible results with the law of attraction.

The study of Yoga, Reiki, and the major chakra points can bring you to greater understanding of your own energy field and subtle force. With the literal practice of moving energy comes great empowerment and a clear conceptualization of the manifestation process.

Please note...

I am not telling anyone they must engage in practices that frighten or confuse them. You absolutely can become a co-creator of your life and enjoy great abundance without delving into any esoteric practice.

At the same time I urge people to understand that there is nothing spooky, magical, or other worldly about the studies of meditation and energy channeling. All such things are en extension of our natural biology, and the more we know about ourselves the closer we are to mastering our lives.

At the very least I recommend learning basic meditation and practicing for a few minutes each morning. You may be pleasantly surprised by how much more vibrant and alert you become after just a week or two.

Disciplines like Tai Chi and Aikido that teach you how to feel, harness, and direct energy with your hands and body are also superb. These exercises can be applied directly to your visualizations and affirmations; imagine actually feeling and moving energy as you visualize the things you desire!

Ideally you should find one or two areas of study that appeal to you. Look for something that resonates with you and you'll catch on more quickly; and as you practice you will be internalizing a new process that can be used for the rest of your life to bring new goodness and power into your reality.

To learn more about spirituality and life purpose and to collect your free guide to basic meditation be sure to visit the author's blog today: