Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Law Of Attraction Key Point: Focus Always On The Positive

It's simplistic. But it's the truth, and it's easy to lose sight of:

To attract the things we want, and to manifest the life that makes us the happiest, we must always root our focus within the positive and happy.

There's never a legitimate case of the law of attraction not working. But there are many instances of our thinking about what we don't want and thus bringing this into our reality.

The essence of using the law of attraction to create your ideal life can be summed up in the practice of always seeing and believing the best possible circumstances and events. This alone is worth great consideration, and is the foundation of our ability to manifest great things.

Here are a few other good resources.

Manifest Reality From Creative Source

Manifest Anything You Want

How To Be Wealthy Right Now

Manifest Your Dreams

Quantum Leaps And Spiritual Growth

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Law Of Attraction: Mapping Your Manifestations

Law of attraction allows you to create anything you want in your life. But you won’t be able to manifest anything if you don’t first get clear about exactly what it is you want.

As superstar motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often says: “You cannot hit a target you do not have.”

Think about it: If you don’t have very specific goals for exactly how you want your life to be how will you apply the law of attraction to make your dreams come true?

If you simply state you’d like to “make more money” you may end up with an extra five bucks. You must get extremely clear about how much more money you want.

Of course the same is true if you want to lose weight, find a perfect mate, build a new home, etc. Don’t settle for general, half-hearted notions. Be absolutely specific about what you want, down to the finest detail!

Here’s a great exercise to help you fill in all the exciting details of your ideal life. Read through this article once, and then apply the suggested method for mapping out everything you’ll use the law of attraction to bring into your reality.

Find a quiet spot where you can relax. Wait until you are very calm and comfortable to begin the visualization.

Then close your eyes and see yourself five years into the future. Create a crystal clear picture of what all areas of your life will be like at that time.

What kind of a home will you have?

Where will this home be located?

Who will live here with you?

How many vehicles are in the garage, and what kind of vehicles are they?

What are you doing for a living in your future movie?

How much money are you making at this time?

Get super-specific, and call forth the most vivid images you possibly can. See yourself enjoying every aspect of your life.

And don’t stop with just the visual imagery. To really harness the power of the law of attraction you’ll need to also engage your other senses. Allow yourself to hear the sounds, touch the environment around you, even smell and taste the things in your vision.

And most importantly focus on the strong, positive emotions that come with your imagined success. Feel the joy, peace of mind, pride, satisfaction, and excitement that come with accomplishing all the great things you see yourself having and doing in this visualization.

Don’t leave anything out, and don’t hold back. Put all your intention into building this picture of you enjoying the life of your dreams.

Really get caught up in the process, until you honestly feel like you are there, in your future experience. Then smile as broadly as possible and hold your smile for several seconds.

Enjoy this visualization exercise for five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, as long as you want. You should feel genuinely elated afterwards.

At the end of your session, you can even take out a piece of paper and write down what you saw. This reinforces your mental imagery tremendously, as our subconscious minds tend to place serious emphasis on the things we write down.

Make time for the above practice as often as possible, but no more than once each day. And after only a few times you will develop a very deep connection with exactly how you want your life to be.

You will have no doubt as to what you want. And you’ll live with the utmost confidence that your dream life is on its way to you.

Practice this creative manifestation mapping for six months and it will probably blow your mind. This is one of the most powerful and direct ways for experiencing the power of the law of attraction.

Discover how to use the law of attraction and do your part to make the world a better place for everyone! You can create your ideal life starting right now with the power of positive thinking.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Is the Law of Attraction Real? Find Out in 3 Steps

Instead of reading books and watching videos to figure out if the law of attraction is real, why not just put it to the test and find out for sure? This article will give you a blueprint for testing the law of attraction in your own life.

Let's not waste a lot of time talking philosophy here. The following paragraphs will outline a plan of action for answering your question: is the law of attraction real?

Open your mind to what follows. If you have a poor attitude and are unwilling to really apply yourself, you definitely will not get good results with this experiment.

- Step One - Be Happy With Right Now -

The bottom line is, if you can't be happy right here and right now, you never will be. So sit back for a moment and be glad - really glad - about the good things in your life.

You're reading this article, which means you probably have the gift of vision. And even if you are reading this page using software for the blind, you have access to the World Wide Web, which means you either have your own computer or you're healthy enough to get out and access a public one.

Focus on your blessings and truly appreciate them. Spend several minutes each day filling your mind with thankful happy thoughts about your life right now.

- Step Two - Experience What You Want -

Think about something that you would like to have or experience, and start with something small. Maybe you would like to see a particular old friend who has been absent for some time. Or perhaps you would appreciate an unexpected $50 in some form or another. Form a very vivid image of yourself holding your target desire or immersed in the experience you want.

Imagine this desire as if it were happening right now. See, hear, feel, even taste every details as clearly as possible. And begin to feel thankful for what it is you want to have or experience.

- Step Three - Trust -

After being filled with happiness and thanksgiving for your life, and calling forth the vivid image of something you desire, your next step is to allow the feeling or relaxed trust to wash over you. It is now a reality, and only a matter of time before you are holding or experiencing the thing you want.

Think of a time when you were in the car, on your way to pick up something you really wanted. You had the money in your pocket, and the store was holding the item until you arrived.

This is exactly the kind of sensation you need to call up for this step. Feel a sense of trust enter your awareness, as if you are only ten minutes away from holding your desire in your hand or watching it become a reality.

Don't get hung up on the actual when, just relate to the feeling of imminence.

Perform these three simple steps on a daily basis. Don't spend any energy on looking over your shoulder and wondering where your desire is; just be grateful for it and trust that it is on the way to you now.

Quickly and easily discover how to use the law of attraction in every part of your life. Download the original law of attraction book today and harness the power behind the hit movie The Secret.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Using the Law of Attraction - Change the World by Changing Your Mind

Your thoughts and feelings not only create your personality, but also have a very real impact on the world around you. This article will show you how you can change "outside" events by focusing on your inner world.

Ancient cultures knew the inner world of mind was a reflection of the outer, material world and vice versa. Modern science, through quantum physics and neurology, has finally caught up with these profound teachings.

What ancient sages called oneness, or unity, is obvious in all of life. The cells in your body work together in the same way various elements of the world's most fragile ecosystems coordinate and flow.

In fact we see an amazing synchronicity when we compare the particles and nuclei of the atomic world to the planetary bodies and stars of the heavens. The same circular relationships and serendipitous arrangements are apparent beneath the microscope and through the lens of our most powerful telescopes.

You are part of an incredible universe, and your thoughts, feelings, and actions reverberate throughout all reality. An honest look at your own life will reveal the direct connection of deep thoughts to physical phenomena; sadly we have been trained by mainstream society to be obtuse, and to ignore these obvious signs.

Fortunately, many diligent researchers across the globe have shed light on the very real impact our thoughts have on the outer world. Among the most compelling of these studies are the numerous examinations of how prayer and/or meditation can be used to alter weather patterns, eliminate disease in test subjects, and even reduce crime rates.

World-renowned scientist Dr. John Hagelin has participated in numerous studies on the external effects of group meditation. During the summer of 1994 one such study successfully reduced crime by 25% in Washington, D.C, earning the vocal support of the FBI and D.C. metro police.

The results of the D.C. experiment were actually predicted ahead of time, based on 12 previous studies in other cities! The question then becomes not "is this possible", but rather "why are these studies not given proper publicity and government support?"

In view of this and other research, one is within reason to wonder what could happen if the world population took a serious look at the power of thought. What kind of amazing results could we produce if we focused our collective attention on any one global problem?

On a smaller scale, the reader is urged to take renewed responsibility for his or her own patterns of thought and feeling. Sustained positive thought can benefit not only the individual, but also the people in his or her life.

It doesn't take research data to prove your attitude has a definite impact on the people you come into contact with. In fact you can likely remember more than one occasion when you were able to lift the spirits of someone else just by smiling at them.

And how many times have you gone to work, either in a very good or very bad mood, and soon realized your disposition was "rubbing off" on co-workers? Most likely your goal had not been to effect others, and yet you did!

What could happen if you made it your intention to share your "good vibrations" with others? I challenge you proactively put as much positive energy into the world as possible.

You are not the powerless individual you might have previously thought of yourself as. You possess the very real ability to influence the world around you, so if you don't like the way things are at this moment, do your part to initiate change from within.

Discover how to use the law of attraction and do your part to make the world a better place for everyone! You can create your ideal life starting right now with the power of positive thinking.

How to Use the Law of Attraction and Have Fun in the Process

The law of attraction is a wonderful concept that can bring great joy and happiness into your life. Learning to use the law of attraction should be fun and exciting. This article will help you harness your powers of manifestation and have fun in the process!

The reason many people struggle with how to use the law of attraction is simple: They are being too serious about the whole process.

In fact I think often people come to the process of manifestation from a place of need and virtual desperation. This is a recipe not only for failure, but also for outright disaster.

When you are in the mindset of needing something badly, very focused on your state of lack and doing without, what you will certainly attract is more need, worry, and lack. So clear your mind of all this "must have" thinking right now!

It's critical to understand that your present results are not as concrete as you think them to be. The world you see around you right now is the residual effect of your prior thinking and feeling.

Existence is constantly in motion and what you see now as your "results" are not fixed in time and space. The key to intentionally using the law of attraction is not letting present circumstances dictate the images you hold in your mind.

And this is where the fun really begins. You, and you alone, are in complete control over how you feel emotionally, what you choose to think about, and the images you hold in your mind.

At first you may not want to accept this but it's true: You are absolutely in 100% control over your thoughts, feelings, and the vivid pictures you decide to form in your mind's eye.

Nobody and no set of circumstances can steal this power from you. So lighten up and decide right now to have some fun in learning how to use the law of attraction for creating the life you most desire.

What do you really want to see, have, and experience? Don't limit yourself, here; honestly let go and think as big and as grand as you want!

Begin to feel emotionally as if everything you want is already here with you right now. Smile from ear to ear and allow that warm glow of joy to begin rising from your belly. These two physical experiences are within your control; you can literally conjure up a smile and the deep bodily feelings of joy anytime you want so go ahead and do so right now.

Isn't that incredible? Too many people don't realize they have the power to create feelings of joy and happiness on demand. By putting yourself in this state of joy you are most definitely accepting the power to create great things.

Your next step is to create an image in your mind, or several images, of exactly who, what, when, and where you want to experience in your life. Bring these images to bold, vivid life and hold them in your mind constantly.

No matter what happens in the "outside" world you can continue to hold your prized images. And this may be the ultimate creative power, because by holding these pictures in your consciousness at all times you will begin to use the law of attraction to manifest the corresponding reality.

People who survived the death camps of World War 2 used this kind of tactic. And many people who rose from severe poverty into massive wealth also leveraged this powerful technique.

So it can absolutely work for you. And it will work for you if you simply keep practicing.

Above all, when learning how to use the law of attraction you must have fun and enjoy the process. Don't get hung up on when results will appear in the physical world; just relish the process of creating good feelings and wonderful images. The more fun you have in the creation phase, the more incredible your results will be when they emerge into concrete reality.]

You can have fun using the law of attraction and do your part to make the world a better place for everyone! Learn to master your thoughts and create your ideal life starting right now.