Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Law of Abundance - Expect Miracles in Your Daily Life

The simple key to attracting abundance in all areas of your life is to expect miracles. This shift in your mindset will engage the law of abundance and fill your life with blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

You've heard of the law of attraction. I like to use the term law of abundance when talking about intentional manifestation because this shifts the consciousness to a prosperity vibration.

The key to attracting the abundance you desire in life lies in your ability to expect great things. This is true whether you want to manifest wealth, loves, health, or anything else.

Law of attraction says we manifest that which we focus our thoughts and feelings on. So we can engage the law of abundance by thinking and feeling abundantly, and by filling our minds with images of prosperity.

But most of all, we can create abundance in our lives by expecting miracles to be a part of our daily life.

It's easy to get caught up in results-oriented thinking patterns. In other words we set a goal, take action to achieve that goal, and become obsessed with things working out exactly the way we have visualized them.

But the problem with this approach is that our ego minds can only see a small portion of reality. So we limit ourselves to only that which we can conceptualize.

But the universe, the divine mind or whatever you'd like to call the force from which all things come, can obviously see things that are beyond our ability to perceive. This matters because often, great blessings come to us in a form we never even imagined possible.

So instead of becoming obsessed with a highly specific outcome, we need to be open to great things coming to us even in unexpected ways. In other words we need to expect miracles and wonderful surprises to be a normal part of our life.

By not being too attached to the outcome, we are free to allow creation plenty of room to manifest abundance in all areas of our life. This is crucial to attracting a life of happiness, but it requires us to let go of our need to control everything and trust creation to care for us.

Practice expecting miracles in your everyday life. Reject the idea that you must settle for "realistic" goals and begin to cultivate faith in the idea that amazing surprises await you around every corner.

A key step in this process is to begin recognizing the miracles you are already experiencing. Odds are there are some pretty amazing things in your life right now.

It's fine to want even more blessings, but if you begin to focus and give thanks for the wonderful people and fantastic opportunities that are already a part of your life you'll find new miracles will occur even faster. It's awesome how life will begin to unfold for you when you develop a faith in everyday miracles.

And it's important to note that miracles are not limited to healing the sick and parting the Red Sea. A real-life miracle happens every time circumstances and people align to deliver the results you desire.

You can have fun using the law of attraction and do your part to make the world a better place for everyone! Learn to allow miracles in your daily life starting right now and you'll be amazed by what happens next.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Absolutely Anything Is Possible

To manifest the things you desire in life requires a substantial level of belief. Certainly goal setting and positive thinking are critical skills you must develop; but your first step is much less mechanical.

Before you learn specific techniques and methods for making things happen in your life, you must simply embrace the sincere belief that anything is possible. Many times we pay lip service to the idea of pure potential, but to fully leverage our creative potential we must know in our heart that we speak the truth when we say "anything is possible in life".

This often requires diligent programming of the mind. We have been raised in a society that loves to doubt, therefore we must rewire our basic unconscious belief systems.

Positive affirmations, immersion in powerful self help audios and videos, and simply spending time with people who are doing extraordinary things are effective programming methods. The bottom line is you must do whatever it takes to develop the real, unbeatable belief that ANYTHING can happen in your life.

Once you manifest this, great things can easily follow. But until then your journey will be uphill; so begin cultivating the powerful belief in infinite potential now and remain diligent until you believe with every fiber of your being.