Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Laws Of Observation And Vibration

While the law of attraction is well-known to many people, there are several other spiritual laws that are just as important yet less popular in literature and philosophical discussions. Here are two primary laws you should seek to understand.

Law Of Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibrating energy, including you. Your thoughts and emotions determine the exact nature of your vibratory state in each moment, and while your mind may race through numerous images and impressions you can only hold one dominant vibration at a time.

The vibration you hold will determine the events and circumstances you draw into your reality. In essence what you think, how you feel, i.e. your vibration attracts the people, experiences, and moods that make up your moment-to-moment journey.

To align with this law in a favorable manner you need only to be aware of your emotions in the present moment and continually shift into a positive feeling state. Do this and you'll always be attracting more goodness toward you.

Law Of Observation

Working closely with the law of vibration, the law of observation says that what you see and experience will directly impact the signals you send into the cosmic consciousness. Even if you're not aware of it, every time you look at the world (or observe a particular phenomenon) what you see is reflected as your vibration.

If you see a happy child playing in the yard across the street, by virtue of the law of observation you will instantly transmit happy vibrations. On the other hand, if you see a child who is crying over a bee sting your observation will automatically transmit pain and sadness into the cosmos.

Clear awareness in the moment and taking care to surround yourself with positive people and messages is one way to leverage the law of observation to your advantage. This may require great discipline but the benefits can be enormous.

Few people make the deliberate effort to work with the law of observation. The fact that one can be wildly successful and prosperous even without attending to this law should raise the question:

"How much more incredible might my results be if I take the law of observation into account in all my affairs?"

For more information on the spiritual laws of success be sure to check out my complete article here.

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