Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Start With Your Life's Purpose

Something many law of attraction writers and teachers leave out is the very important foundational step of finding your life purpose. Think about it...

How can you manifest a life that thrills you to the core of your being if you aren't centered on your true life's purpose?

The primary purpose of life is to expand and create, i.e. to grow, be happy, and fulfill our deepest desires. This is the nature and function of the universe and the behavior we can observe in the natural world.

So the first step toward living on purpose is to simply align oneself with the universal nature of being happy and growing emotionally and spiritually.

However we each also have our unique individual purpose. This is something you must connect with on your own, but there is a good deal of material available to help.

Your unique purpose has little or nothing to do with appeasing some make-believe god, contrary to what religious fanatics might tell you. You are absolutely free to find the purpose that pleases and fulfills you, and I urge you to release any perceived obligation to make someone else happy in this important pursuit.

For an in-depth article about finding your life purpose I invite you to check out this article. I hope you'll find the informaiton useful and exciting!

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